Name | Progress |
Introduction | Not Read |
🍰 Player | Not Read |
Name | Progress |
Software Installation | Not Read |
Project Setup | Not Read |
Running and Testing | Not Read |
React and ReactDOM | Not Read |
💡 Assignment 1: Welcome Message | Not Attempted |
Submissions | Not Read |
Name | Progress |
JSX and Components | Not Read |
Props | Not Read |
👾 Exercise: Props | Not Attempted |
CSS Styles | Not Read |
useState and Hooks | Not Read |
👾 Exercise: useState | Not Attempted |
Conditional Rendering | Not Read |
Lists | Not Read |
👾 Exercise: Lists | Not Attempted |
Forms and Events | Not Read |
👾 Exercise: Forms | Not Attempted |
💡 Assignment 2: Front End | Not Attempted |
Name | Progress |
Pure Components - memo | Not Read |
Lifecycle - useEffect | Not Read |
Expensive? - useMemo | Not Read |
DOM Interactions - useRef | Not Read |
forwardRef | Not Read |
useImperativeHandle | Not Read |
👾 useImperativeHandle | Not Attempted |
Context | Not Read |
useCallback | Not Read |
useId | Not Read |
useReducer | Not Read |
Name | Progress |
Database | Not Read |
NextAuth and Github Authentication | Not Read |
Prisma and ORM | Not Read |
Project Setup | Not Read |
Project Authentication | Not Read |
Name | Progress |
APIs | Not Read |
APIs - Slides | Not Attempted |
Rest APIs | Not Read |
Rest APIs - Express.js | Not Read |
ReastAPIs - Next.js | Not Read |
Securing APIs | Not Read |
Securing APIs - NextAuth | Not Read |
In Next, you have two options for how to deliver our pages to our clients. We can either use client-side rendering or server-side rendering. We will delve into individual differences in an advanced course, but for now you need to remember the following:
Recently, React came with “Server Components”. This complements server-side rendering with the fact that these components are not re-rendered on the client, and only their HRML is sent to the browser. Consequently, there is no longer a need to send any javascript that this component needs.
Your project comes pre-configured with tRPC functionality for both client-side rendering and server-side rendering. Let's test the server-side rendering now!
First, let's add some artificial wait time on the “tasks” route handler to spot the differences. In your src/server/api/routers/tasks.ts, router, please modify the tasks handler to include artificial wait time:
tasks: protectedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
// wait for three seconds
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
return tasks.filter((task) => task.userId ===;
Second, explore the TaskList component in the src/components/task-list.tsx file. Please note that this component is defined as async as per below. Only a Server Component can be asynchronous. Trying to use asynchronous components on the client (in browser) would immediately lead to an error!
export async function TaskList() {
To use tRPC API on server, we need to import it from src/trpc/server. Please add the following line to the top of your file:
import { api } from "~/trpc/server";
Then, in your component, you can use the API method directly to load your data!
export async function TaskList() {
// Fetched tasks from server
const session = await getServerAuthSession();
const tasks = session ? await api.tasks.tasks() : [];
How beautiful is this! A single, type-safe function call instead of using those pesky type-unsafe fetch commands. Please run your project and test the server call. You could also get rid of that check for the user and instead make the procedure public. That is up to you.
When we are loading the page, we are waiting three seconds, for the initial page load. That is a lot! Let's fix that. Next, supports component streaming, which allows to send partial rendering results. To enable sending parts of the UI to client, we wrap the long-running asynchronous code in Suspense. In your src/app/page.tsx file, wrap the task list in Suspense such as the following.
import { Suspense } from "react"; // <- Add this import
export default async function Home() {
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading posts...</div>}>
<TaskList />
When you refresh the page now, you can see that the page was immediately loaded with “Loading Tasks …” message. Much better user experience!
If you do not have any tasks displaying, use your Database Management tool (or prisma studio by running pnpm db:studio) to check for id of your user and use that id to create the initial tasks.
Then, use that id to create the initial data. In my case, it would be
const tasks = [
userId: "clum1bkki000014eimfus6n2f", // <- ID of my user
id: 1,
description: "Complete the project report",
completed: false
{ userId: "clum1bkki000014eimfus6n2f", id: 2, description: "Clean the house", completed: true }