tRPC - Client Rendering
by Tomas TrescakΒ· tRPC

Root Folder
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tRPC - Routers
tRPC - Server Rendering
tRPC - Client Rendering
Persisting Data
Assignment 3: APIs
0 / 50 XP

While server rendering is amazing, there are times when you will need to call a tRPC procedure from the client. There might be several reasons for that:

  1. You call a mutation with user data gathered on the client.
  2. You want to cache data on the client side and work with that data in several components
  3. You are often modifying data, and you do not want to invalidate the whole page after each modification

Let's explore how we can use RPC on the client.

Client tRPC

In this part, we will transform our src/components/task-list.tsx server component into a client component. Then, we will implement and use a new mutation on the client as well.

The client components contain β€œuse client” statement at the top of the file. Please add this statement to the src/components/task-list.tsx file and reload your page

"use client";

import { CreateTask } from "~/components/create-task";

Oh, Oh! A daunting error appears in your browser:

Build Error

We mentioned previously that asynchronous server components cannot be used client-side. Unfortunately, we cannot just remove the async statement from the component as we are using an asynchronous API call within it. Therefore, we need to remove all asynchronous calls. Also, we need to remove the server version of trpc api with react version, please adjust the following:

import { api } from "~/trpc/react"; // <- replaced server api with react api
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; 

export function TaskList() {
  const session = useSession();
  const tasksQuery = api.tasks.tasks.useQuery(undefined, {
    enabled: !!,

  if (tasksQuery.isLoading) {
    return <div>Loading tasks...</div>;
  const tasks = ?? [];

Woooow, a lot of things happened here!

  1. We replaced the server API calls with react API calls using useQuery hook.
  2. We are now using react hooks to check if the user is logged in and also to execute a client-side query (behind the scenes tRPC uses the popular tanstack/query package)
  3. We are checking for a isLoading state in the query result and conditionally displaying a message
  4. We retrieve the data from the query and business as usual

Try to refresh your page. Another oh oh! You receieve an error:

Error: [next-auth]: `useSession` must be wrapped in a <SessionProvider />


React uses Context Providers to pass data to any child without needing to pass it explicitly via props. This allows any react component access, for example, signed-in user data or a tRPC API structure. Therefore, we need to add these providers to our application. We have prepared the SessionProvider and TRPCReactProvider for you in the src/app/providers.tsx file (open it and check it ou!). To use it, please modify the src/app/layout.tsx file as below:

import { Providers } from "./providers";


export default function RootLayout({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <body className={inter.className}>

Please refresh you page and see the magic happening ;)


Mutations will likely be executed from client components only, as they require data coming from user interactions. While React provides a very neat way of calling server functions directly, we still prefer to use tRPC for better control and enforce type validation using the zod library.

Here is an example of calling a tRPC mutation in the src/components/crate-task.tsx file. Please go line by line in the file to see if you understand.

"use client";

import { useQueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { getQueryKey } from "@trpc/react-query";
import { useState } from "react";
import { api } from "~/trpc/react";
import styles from "./create-task.module.css";
import { type Task } from "./task-list";
// import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';

export function CreateTask() {
  const [text, setText] = useState("");
  // this is the new mutation
  const createTask = api.tasks.addTask.useMutation();

  // we use the query client to update the data in the caches
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();
  // not used now, but would be used if you loaded the data using a server component
  // const router = useRouter();

  return (
        placeholder="What needs to be done?"
        onChange={(e) => setText(}
        onClick={() => {
          // call the mutation
              task: text
              onSuccess(data) {
                // update the cache on the client
                // 1. find the key by which the data is identified ion the cache
                const key = getQueryKey(api.tasks.tasks, undefined, "query");
                // 2. read the data in the cache
                const existing = queryClient.getQueryData<Task[]>(key) ?? [];
                // 3. write the new data to the cache
                queryClient.setQueryData(key, [...existing, data]);
                 * if you use Server Component to get your data, you do 
                 * not need to worry about this cache, but call
                 * router.refresh() instead 
        {createTask.isPending ? "Saving" : "Add Task"}

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