Project: Weather Wardrobe
by Andrew Nguyenยท Module 04 - Conditional Rendering

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Project: Weather Wardrobe
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0 / 470 XP

Objective: Create an application that recommends clothing based on the weather conditions.

Description: In this project, you will build a simple application that shows different clothing recommendations based on the current weather conditions. The app will render different outfits for sunny, rainy, snowy, and windy weather.


  1. Setup Your Project:
    • Create a new React project using Vite.
    • Set up your project structure with a main <strong>App</strong> component and a <strong>WeatherWardrobe</strong> component.
  2. Define Weather Conditions:
    • In the <strong>WeatherWardrobe</strong> component, create a piece of state to store the current weather condition.
    • Use a variable or hard-coded value for now (e.g., 'sunny', 'rainy', 'snowy', 'windy').
  3. Render Different Outfits:
    • Based on the weather condition, render different outfits.
    • Use conditional rendering to show different images or descriptions for each weather type.
  4. Styling:
    • Add some basic CSS to style your wardrobe items and make the app visually appealing.

Example Code:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './WeatherWardrobe.css';

function WeatherWardrobe() {
  const [weather, setWeather] = useState('sunny');

  let outfit;
  if (weather === 'sunny') {
    outfit = &lt;div className="outfit"&gt;๐ŸŒž Wear sunglasses and a t-shirt!&lt;/div&gt;;
  } else if (weather === 'rainy') {
    outfit = &lt;div className="outfit"&gt;๐ŸŒง๏ธ Don't forget your umbrella and raincoat!&lt;/div&gt;;
  } else if (weather === 'snowy') {
    outfit = &lt;div className="outfit"&gt;โ„๏ธ Bundle up with a warm coat and gloves!&lt;/div&gt;;
  } else if (weather === 'windy') {
    outfit = &lt;div className="outfit"&gt;๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ A windbreaker and scarf will keep you cozy!&lt;/div&gt;;

  return (
    &lt;div className="weather-wardrobe"&gt;
      &lt;h1&gt;Weather Wardrobe&lt;/h1&gt;
      &lt;div className="outfit-container"&gt;

export default WeatherWardrobe;

Styling (WeatherWardrobe.css):

.weather-wardrobe {
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

.outfit-container {
  margin-top: 20px;

.outfit {
  font-size: 24px;
  margin-top: 20px;

Detailed Walkthrough:

  1. Setting Up the Project:
    • Use the command <strong>npm create vite@latest weather-wardrobe --template react</strong> to create a new Vite React project.
    • Navigate to your project directory and install the necessary dependencies using <strong>npm install</strong>.
  2. Creating the <strong>WeatherWardrobe</strong> Component:
    • Create a new file named <strong>WeatherWardrobe.jsx</strong>.
    • Import <strong>useState</strong> from React and define the <strong>WeatherWardrobe</strong> function component.
  3. Implementing Conditional Rendering:
    • Initialize the state for the current weather condition using <strong>useState</strong>.
    • Use conditional rendering (if-else statements or ternary operators) to render different outfits based on the weather condition.
  4. Styling Your Application:
    • Create a CSS file named <strong>WeatherWardrobe.css</strong>.
    • Add basic styles to center your content and style the outfit recommendations.
  5. Testing Your Application:
    • Test the application by manually changing the weather condition state and observing the rendered outfits.

By completing this project, you'll get hands-on experience with conditional rendering in React, making your learning experience both fun and practical.


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