Key Concepts
by Andrew Nguyen· Module 04 - Conditional Rendering

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In this module, we're diving into how to make decisions in your React applications about what to show on the screen under different conditions. This is called "conditional rendering," and it's like making a robot that can choose different paths based on what it sees.'

Key Concepts

1. Conditional Rendering

Conditional rendering in React is just like any other programming language. It’s how you decide what to show on the screen based on certain conditions. In simpler terms, it means showing different things to the user depending on what’s happening in your app.

2. Ternary Operations

A ternary operation is a shorter way to write an if-else statement in JavaScript. It’s called “ternary” because it involves three parts: a condition, a result for true, and a result for false. It looks like this:

condition ? resultIfTrue : resultIfFalse

Think of it as a quick way to decide between two options based on a condition.

3. Logical && Operator

The logical AND (&&) operator is a useful tool for conditional rendering in React. It checks two conditions and only returns true if both conditions are true. When used in rendering, if the condition before the && is true, it will render the code after the &&.

condition && <Component />

This means if the condition is true, <strong>&lt;Component /&gt;</strong> will show up. If it’s false, nothing will be rendered.

Explain Like You Are 10

Conditional Rendering: Imagine you have a box of toys, and you want to decide which toy to play with based on the weather. If it’s sunny, you play with your ball outside. If it’s rainy, you stay inside and play with your puzzle. Conditional rendering in React is like making these kinds of decisions for what to show on your website.

Ternary Operations: Let’s say you’re deciding what to wear. If it’s cold, you wear a jacket. If it’s warm, you wear a t-shirt. A ternary operation helps you make this decision quickly: “Is it cold? Wear a jacket : Wear a t-shirt.”

Logical && Operator: Imagine you can only play video games if you’ve finished your homework and your chores. The && operator is like saying, “If I’ve finished my homework AND my chores, I can play video games.” In React, it helps show things only when certain conditions are true.

Detailed Explanation

1. Conditional Rendering

In React, conditional rendering allows you to change what the user sees based on certain conditions. For example, if a user is logged in, you might want to show their profile. If they’re not logged in, you might show a login form instead.

Here’s a basic example:

function Greeting(props) {
  const isLoggedIn = props.isLoggedIn;
  if (isLoggedIn) {
    return &lt;h1&gt;Welcome back!&lt;/h1&gt;;
  } else {
    return &lt;h1&gt;Please sign up.&lt;/h1&gt;;

In this example, <strong>Greeting</strong> shows a different message based on whether <strong>isLoggedIn</strong> is true or false.

2. Ternary Operations

A ternary operation can be used for simpler conditional rendering:

function Greeting(props) {
  return (
    &lt;h1&gt;{props.isLoggedIn ? 'Welcome back!' : 'Please sign up.'}&lt;/h1&gt;

This does the same thing as the previous example but in a more concise way.

3. Logical && Operator

The && operator is useful when you only want to render something when a condition is true:

function Mailbox(props) {
  const unreadMessages = props.unreadMessages;
  return (
      {unreadMessages.length &gt; 0 &amp;&amp;
          You have {unreadMessages.length} unread messages.

In this example, the message about unread messages only appears if there are any unread messages. If <strong>unreadMessages.length</strong> is 0, nothing is rendered.


Conditional rendering in React helps you display different things based on conditions, just like deciding what to do based on the weather or other situations. Using ternary operations and the logical && operator makes your code cleaner and easier to understand.


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